Amazon | Alexa | User Guide

Amazon | Alexa | User Guide

I collaborated with the Alexa Engagement Marketing team to create a manual for every Alexa-enabled device, to be printed and included with purchases. This booklet is also accessible online, with a QR code provided with each device.

Project scope

  • Organize and design a booklet from provided copy.
  • Arrange information cohesively.
  • Determine content for each page.
  • Design page layouts and section headers.
  • Create images for necessary pages.
  • Select icon set.
  • Design cover page.
  • Ensure consistency throughout the PDF.
  • Finalize and export.

My role

Visual designer

The challenge

  • Optimize layout for a smooth flow of information.
  • Efficiently fit in all details without unnecessary page expansion.
  • Ensure precise alignment and consistent formatting for each section.
Amazon | Alexa feature to try | Alexa RoutinesAmazon | Alexa | CRM email redesign


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